
The Alamo – Wall of History

The Alamo

Wall of History


Daughters of the Republic of Texas


Exhibit and Interpretive Design

fd2s provided design and construction supervision services for six eight-foot-tall interpretive panels offering an in-depth view of the Alamo’s history. 

Because of the site’s long and rich heritage, project backers and historians decided to include a large amount of information on the panels. fd2s responded to this challenge by developing a presentation that clarifies the many events and storylines that make up the exhibit, allowing visitors to quickly skim key concepts or delve more deeply into the material as dictated by their time and level of interest. 

Creating an installation that tells the story of this legendary Texas historical site came with plenty of other challenges as well. In addition to the requirement that all content be vetted by the site’s then caretakers, the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, nothing could be affixed to the existing structures, necessitating the freestanding design approach seen in the photographs.

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