Memphis Botanic Garden
Memphis Botanic Garden
Wayfinding Consulting
Memphis Botanic Garden, which includes 30 specialty gardens and an arboretum spread across 96 acres, initially approached fd2s about creating a new wayfinding map. After surveying the grounds, however, the fd2s team quickly realized that much more could be done to improve the visitor experience.
fd2s collaborated closely with the Garden’s executive staff and landscape architecture firm to develop a program of signage that supports a retooled orientation plan for the site. By concentrating information at “launch points” where the primary loop trail intersects with garden entries and smaller trails, the system consolidates orientation, directional, and interpretative information on a minimal number of signs. This approach increases usability, minimizes visual clutter in the natural environment, and efficiently uses the non-profit’s limited signage budget.
The signage system, which is being rolled out following a multiyear phasing plan developed by fd2s, gets additional personality from an organic pattern that incorporates photos from around the garden.

“Once we started working with fd2s we realized how much we needed you! We had done earlier sign initiatives and even in-house designs, working with a fabricator, but fd2s opened us up to so many more ideas. Your advice on structure, scale, and placement was spot on. We have had the wayfinding program in place for well over a year and I would not change a thing. We have gotten more compliments on the signage than I would have ever imagined, including terrific response from our members and donors. I wish we would have done this years ago!”
— Mary Helen Butler, Assistant
Photos courtesy of Taylor Herndon.