Headwaters at the Comal
New Braunfels Utilities
Donor Recognition
Exhibit and Interpretive Design
fd2s created a program of wayfinding, donor recognition, and interpretive signage for New Braunfels Utilities’ Headwaters at the Comal. NBU has repurposed this former utilities operations center as an interpretive landscape and corporate conference center. Once primarily covered by asphalt, the reclaimed site now highlights the region’s hydrological, environmental, and cultural history while also serving as a real-life example of sustainable design and water-use practices.
fd2s created custom illustrations and infographics for the interpretive exhibits, which focus on themes of water conservation, water quality, species protection, and habitat restoration. These exhibits, written by Content & Context, are meant to inspire visitors to think about efforts they can make at home to conserve and protect the region’s natural resources.
In response to the sensitive nature of the site, the fd2s team took care to minimize the size and depth of the sign foundations and used a palette of weathered steel and powder-coated aluminum to emphasize durability and longevity.

“The team at fd2s understood from the beginning the aesthetic we were trying to achieve here at the Headwaters. They were able to assist our team in consolidating a wealth of information into crisp, artful, interpretive and wayfinding signage that continues to delight and inspire our visitors.
Consider this comment from one of our visitors: ‘I was helping my middle school-aged daughter with her homework last night, and as I walked the paths here, I realized so many of the topics we had discussed are portrayed and explained right here at the Headwaters.’
We will continue to collaborate with fd2s as the Headwaters fulfills its mission.”
— Nancy Pappas, Executive Director
Photos courtesy of Rachel Kay.