City of Bastrop
Bastrop Economic Development Corporation
Wayfinding Consulting
Working in concert with the community’s Main Street Program, Economic Development Corporation members, city staff, and numerous local stakeholders, fd2s designed a wayfinding program that highlights Bastrop’s rich history as one of the oldest towns in Texas. To dispel the perception of many motorists that Bastrop comprises only commercial frontage along US Highways 71 and 29, fd2s also worked closely with the City and Texas Department of Transportation officials to locate and design “trailblazer signs” that direct to major destinations in the historic downtown via Chestnut Street. Reinforcing Chestnut Street as the major arterial into the downtown area, from both the south and the east, motorists are treated to a vibrant streetscape replete with period light fixtures, special paving, a history walk, and a wonderfully preserved downtown core with shops, cafes, and entertainment venues.
A system of freestanding and wall-mounted pedestrian directories highlight the Memorial Riverwalk and Fisherman’s Park, both adjacent to downtown, as well as clearly articulated parking areas in order to accommodate heavily attended events that take place throughout the year.
Plans for future wayfinding include retrofitting threshold elements at each end of Chestnut Street with lighting elements and vintage sign treatments to amplify the sense of arrival and welcome. Stone found on these monuments and walls, which pays homage to nearby Bastrop State Park (a gem of the Civilian Conservation Corps-era), are also used as bases for new welcome and event-announcement signs at the perimeter of the community.

All photos by fd2s.