
Capital Metro – Rapid Bus Service

Capital Metro

Rapid Bus Service


Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority


Experiential Branding

Wayfinding Consulting

Capital Metro turned to fd2s to create a graphic vision for the launch of its new Rapid Bus service, which uses advanced technology and vehicle design to shorten travel times. Because this service was unfamiliar to most Austinites – and because the service was going to be provided on some of the same routes as traditional buses – it was essential to create a distinct brand position that established it as a new and desirable service offering. 

Capital Metro had identified early- to mid-career commuters as the most promising growth market for the services, and fd2s developed a brand that appeals to this audience. The new identity positioned MetroRapid as unconventional, aggressive, and in motion at all times, with transit-priority lanes and a bus-first signal that help riders keep up with the speed of life and not waste valuable time.

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