T Bar M Camps
T Bar M Camps
Wayfinding Consulting
T Bar M Camps is a summer camp venue and year-round retreat founded in 1981 in the Texas Hill Country west of New Braunfels. Over time the volume of campers and the camp’s footprint have steadily grown, most recently with the 2017 addition of new parking and improved roadways that allow better access for events. Two large assembly buildings essentially bisect the property into a retreat side and camp side.
One of fd2s’ main objectives for this assignment was to visually unify the property with a consistent and tailored signage program that enables guests to self-navigate the property, whether on foot or behind the wheel of a vehicle. The signage design also orients guests to amenities located throughout the site. Special consideration was given to retreat guests who must navigate without the aid of staff and volunteers.
Inspired by classic Texas Hill Country themes, the design not only needed to be low maintenance, but also cost effective and, in fact, partially produced and installed by the camp’s own staff. Through the use of timeless materials such as wood, stone, and blackened steel, and working in partnership with T Bar M, fd2s created a system that fits hand in glove with its rustic surroundings.

All photos by fd2s.